Our Story


It has been a harrowing few years for our family, losing such inspiring, loving and talented children - it’s a journey that no one should ever have to go through.

Through all this devastation, loss and heartache, which started with our son being diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia in 2019 to our daughter being told she has a brain tumour 4 months later, we continue to fight on in their memory!

During this grief stricken journey, we have received so much support from so many brilliant people across so many organisations, during the children's treatment and continuing to this day.

We hope our new charity can also go towards helping those in need.

We don’t share pictures of our children when they were sick, they didn’t like it, so we respect that by sharing happier times!

They are wonderful children who would have done anything to help others, they would be very proud of what we’re doing in their memory.